Funding opportunity from the Office of Research. Bridge Fund Award applications will be accepted until 12/1/24. Go HERE for more information.

SPA Uptown Campus Office

200 Broadway Street, Box 120
Mailbox #1922
New Orleans, LA 70118
Office Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM (CDT)

Services and Staff Contacts 

The goal of the Tulane University Office of Sponsored Projects Administration is to provide accurate, timely information for grant opportunities; post information and forms related to proposal preparation and submission; and post regulations to guide you in the administration of your sponsored projects. 

Help for Principal Investigators

Sponsored Projects Administration, in conjunction with Grants and Contracts Accounting, provides educational and outreach programs to individuals involved in administering sponsored projects. Since the University receives considerable external funding, it is important to provide stewardship and management consistent with the rules and regulations of both Tulane and the sponsoring organization. Sessions have been developed to provide investigators and/or their staff with information needed for administering a grant or contract. It is also possible to schedule a private meeting for one of the staff of a principal investigator who has questions or seeks guidance about a grant-related matter. Call Sponsored Projects Administration for more information (865-5272). 

Seminar for Principal Investigators and Support Staff

Conducted jointly with Grants and Contracts Accounting, this session provides an overview of allowable/unallowable charges to grants and contracts; defines items of special consideration in a budget (equipment, foreign travel, etc.); discusses rebudgeting and what requires prior approval from granting agencies; and explains how to read the monthly budget statement. Please call Sponsored Projects Administration for more information. 

Budget Preparation and Development in a Spreadsheet Program

Many of the federal funding agencies and some of the private agencies provide interactive "smart forms" which can be accessed through Sponsored Projects Administration's homepage. These include spreadsheets in which to calculate budgets. Sponsored Projects Administration can provide assistance in learning how to use these forms. If you are interested in learning how to prepare your budgets in one of these formats, please call Sponsored Projects Administration.

Kathleen Kozar
Executive Director, Sponsored Projects Administration

Denise Lovrovich
Associate Director,
Sponsored Projects Administration

Leah Ann Plaisance
Research Administrator

Lynn Abu Turk
Grants and Contracts Officer

Celine McDaniel
Grants and Contracts Officer

Marie LeGarde
Grants and Contracts Specialist

Lyra Hernandez-Lyons
Systems Specialist I