Office of Research New Faculty Orientation will take place on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 8:00am to 11:00am in Diboll Gallery and Auditorium, 1440 Canal Street, Tidewater Bldg. Click here for the New Faculty Orientation website.

Conflict of Interest, Industry Sponsored Research and Data Use Agreements

Conflict of Interest

All Conflict Of Interest (COI) matters must be resolved before the IRB can approve a submission.  PIs, investigators, and key personnel are required to complete and submit the CITI COI mini course training.  Tulane University’s Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy requires all full-time/part-time compensated Faculty/Staff members, as well as Investigators/Key Personnel (regardless of affiliation) participating in research, to submit the Conflicts of Commitment and Interest Disclosure of Information Form (COI Disclosure Form) on an annual basis.  If you have questions, please contact the Administrative Compliance Specialist for the Tulane University Conflict of Interest Committee, at or (504) 247-1286.

Click here for more Information on Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment

Video Guide to completing the COI Disclosure Form

Text Guide to completing the COI Disclosure Form


Data Use Agreements

If a Data Use Agreement is required for your research, a centralized process is now in place. Please contact the Tulane University Privacy Officer at with any questions.

Sponsored Projects Administration & Industry Sponsored Research

If your study will be conducted within Tulane University Medical Center and/or Lakeside Hospital, please contact the SPA Office to obtain approval. Please contact Andrea Kuban at with any questions.

An Interdepartmental(IT) Form is required to be submitted to the Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) for Industry Sponsored Initial Submissions, Continuing Reviews and Amendments. Please see the IRB Fees on the Policies page to ensure your IT is completed correctly.