Research Misconduct Policies and Procedures
- Policies and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct (effective March 7, 2022)
- Research Misconduct Involving Public Health Service-Funded Research (for allegations received before March 7, 2022 and for matters begun/pending before March 7, 2022)
Imagetwin Policy Tulane University Request Access and Instructions on How to Use Imagetwin
Click Here for Tulane Imagetwin Survey
Foreign Gift and Contract Reporting Policy - Effective July 1st, 2023, Tulane University has implemented a new Foreign Gift and Contract Reporting process to track certain non-U.S. source gifts and contracts per Tulane policy. All gifts and contracts received by Tulane from foreign sources with an individual or aggregate value of more than USD $50,000 must be reported via the process detailed in the policy within 10 days of receipt. Please see the linked policy for more information on how to report.
Authorship on Scientific and Scholarly Publications Policy
Research Compliance Export Control 2021
Research Compliance Program
Foreign Influence Guidance for Researchers
FBI Counterintelligence Bulletin 20200902 re. Foreign Influence
Deemed Export Attestation Checklist
Freedom of Information Act Requests Regarding Research Activities at Tulane University