The Office of Research is pleased to announce two funding opportunities: 1.) A Request for Proposals (RFP) has been issued for a new Office of Research funded Centers of Excellence. A Letter of Intent (LOI) must be submitted no later than 11/1/24. Go HERE for the RFP and LOI details. 2.) Office of Research Bridge Fund Award applications will be accepted until 12/1/24. Go HERE for more information.

Supporting Impactful Publications Program

A communication from the Provost regarding Supporting Impactful Publications:

Dear Colleagues,

Many of you have heard me speak about our commitment to enhancing the impact of the work of our faculty. One idea that has been met with enthusiasm is the idea of central support for open access publication in high impact journals. With that in mind, I am pleased to notify you of our new SIP (Supporting Impactful Publications) program. The Tulane SIP Fund covers publication fees for high impact open access publications for Tulane scholars who do not have grant or other funds available to cover these costs. Details including the guidelines, procedures and the application form are available at Note that the manuscript must be accepted for publication but prior to publication in a high impact journal that offers an open access option, and you must make the case that the journal should be considered high impact for the manuscript in question (but journals with impact factor of at least 8 are automatically approved). 

This program is open to Tulane faculty, fellows, staff, students and trainees who are the corresponding author on a peer-reviewed journal article that lists Tulane University as their primary institutional affiliation.

This program is administered by the Provost’s Office, and is co-sponsored Dean of Libraries and Academic Information Resources. Funds are limited and an application is required. For logistics, contact Program Manager, Richard Brunies (504-314-2830,  We look forward to receiving your applications!


Robin Forman
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Professor of Mathematics
Tulane University
6823 St. Charles Avenue
200 Gibson Hall
New Orleans, LA  70118

Office of Academic Affairs & Provost