RNA Modifications Driving Oncogenesis (RNAMoDO; U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

1 month 1 week ago
Funding Opportunity RFA-CA-24-029 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The overarching objective of this concept is to promote mechanistic research in the emerging area of RNA modifications that drive oncogenesis, with a focus on the central role of RNA modifications in translational reprogramming of cancer cells. RNA modifications have been recognized to exert a substantial impact on gene expression and function and their de-regulation has been linked to the cancer phenotype. In particular, recent insights point to a crucial role for mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA modifications in translational reprogramming during tumor initiation, progression, and adaptation to therapy. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this reshaping of the translatome caused by dynamic changes in RNA modifications, and especially the interplay between different RNA modifications within and across RNA molecules during translation, are not understood and represent the focus of this initiative. Historically, the research community has largely pursued investigations of RNA modifications by studying single RNA species and modification types. However, elucidating how dysregulation of mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA modifications reprograms translation to drive oncogenesis is not likely feasible for any single research lab, but will require the combination of expertise in mRNA, tRNA and rRNA biology, translational regulation, and cancer research. To stimulate progress in this emerging field, the RNAMoDO program will support collaborative research projects, preferably using an MPI structure, on how modifications in mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA molecules can drive the oncogenic process through translational reprogramming. To be responsive to the NOFO, each project will also explore the impact of interactions between modifications residing on the same or different RNA molecules during translation.

Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary Environmental Health Research (RIVER) (R35 Clinical Trial Optional)

1 month 1 week ago
Funding Opportunity RFA-ES-24-004 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The NIEHS Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary Environmental health Research (RIVER) program is intended to provide support for outstanding investigators in the Environmental Health Sciences, giving them intellectual and administrative freedom, as well as sustained support to pursue their research in novel directions in order to achieve greater impacts. The program seeks to identify individuals, regardless of career stage, with a potential for continued innovative and impactful research and combine their existing investigator-initiated research into a single award to support the majority of their independent environmental health sciences research program.

Tissue Chips in Space 2.0: Translational Multi-Organ Tissue Chip Systems for Drug Efficacy, Toxicity Testing, and Personalized Medicine in Human Health, Aging and Associated Diseases (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

1 month 1 week ago
Funding Opportunity RFA-TR-24-025 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to develop multi-organ automated microphysiological systems (MPS) for studying the effects of microgravity conditions on human body in low Earth orbit at the International Space Station National Laboratory (ISS-NL). This program will provide insights on human patho(physiology), especially aging-related functional decline and age-related diseases. The multi-organ MPS configuration will allow better modeling of the whole organism. Improved automation with extended longevity of MPS will facilitate longer experiments in space and the collection of more physiologically relevant data. The inclusion of samples representing the broad spectrum of diversity in the human population will allow for better modeling of aging progression and development of interventions.

Materials to Enhance Training in Experimental Rigor (METER) (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

1 month 2 weeks ago
Funding Opportunity RFA-NS-25-002 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The NINDS Materials to Enhance Training in Experimental Rigor (METER) UE5 will support curriculum development in the form of innovative educational materials that will be incorporated into a new cutting-edge online resource that aims to promote awareness, understanding, and practice of fundamental principles of rigorous biomedical research for researchers and other scientists in various career stages and learning environments.This UE5 FOA runs in parallel with a companion UC2 FOA that solicits applications for the NINDS center for Creating an Educational Nexus for Training in Experimental Rigor (CENTER), described in detail in RFA-NS-21-009.