About RASU
Tulane's Research Administration Service Units (RASUs) provide high-quality, consistent, and timely research administration services to Tulane University researchers. We provide in-depth subject matter expertise to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and University policies, practices, and procedures. The RASUs are dedicated to high-quality, innovative, and continuously improving research administration services.
Each Tulane University school, research office, and department is assigned to a RASU. Each faculty member is assigned a primary Pre-Award Specialist and a primary Post-Award Specialist who will be accountable for providing research administration support. Initially, there will be four RASUs: School of Medicine, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine/School of Social Work, Tulane National Primate Research Center, and the Uptown Campus unit. As Tulane's research portfolio grows and changes, so too will these units.
To ensure consistency of support, the RASUs use Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as a framework to guide how work is done. These SOPs are the foundation for all training provided to staff. To supplement and ensure institutional compliance, the RASUs obtain necessary support from the appropriate subject matter experts in central research offices such as Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA), Grants and Contracts Accounting Office (GCA), and other related offices.
Central Office Staff Contacts
Tom Pereira
Associate Vice President of Research Administration
Email: tper@tulane.edu
Victoria Heffron
Senior Project Manager
Email: vheffron1@tulane.edu
Yulia Koublitskaia, PhD
Training Manager
Email: ikoublitskaia@tulane.edu