TRICS 2023

TRICS 2024 was held April 23-25, 2024 at the LBC on Tulane's uptown campus. Click here for the TRICS 2024 website.
Tulane Research, Innovation, and Creativity Summit 2023
March 1–2, 2023
Jung Hotel Grand Hall
1500 Canal Street, New Orleans
2023 Poster Competition Winners
Post-Docs and PhD students
Author: Ma Wenbo
Title: Methyltransferase-like protein 3 (METTL3) promotes cholangiocarcinoma development and progression: Evidence for involvement of H
Masters Students
Author: Nickol Wahby
Title: Role of DEK in chronic liver disease development
Author: Maria Santos, Doctoral Student, Epidemiology, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Title: Age at Menarche, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease Complications in U.S. Women Under 65 Years; NHANES 1999-2018
Postdoctoral Student Award
Author: Michelle Galeas-Pena
Title: T-vant, a novel outer membrane vesicle adjuvant, improves vaccine protection against B. pertussis in the respiratory tract
Doctoral Student Award
Author: Allyson Hirsch
Title: Evaluation of a mucosal SARS-COV-2 recombinant spike subunit vaccine
Dean of the School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine Award for Excellence in Research and Presentation by SPHTM Doctoral Student
Author: Maria Santos, Department of Epidemiology
Title: Age at Menarche, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease Complications in U.S. Women Under 65 Years; NHANES 1999-2018
Dean of the School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine Award for Excellence in Research and Presentation by SPHTM Masters Student
Author: Yizhuo Liu, Department of Biostatistics
Title: Genome-wide gene-hypertension interaction analyses on kidney function: Finding from the CRIC study
Awarded by session (four sessions)
Graduate Student 1st Prize Awardees
Author: Shreya Bavishi, Cell & Molecular Biology
Title: Developing targeted therapeutic strategies in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Author: Borui Wang, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Title: Development of double-functionalized halloysite nanotubes with improved adsorption capacity for carbon capture
Author: Adella Guidroz, Cell & Molecular Biology
Title: Developing and characterizing a new HHT mouse model
Author: Katelynn Montgomery, Biomedical Engineering/Bioinnovation
Title: Characterization of extracellular vesicles from human amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane cells
Graduate Student 2nd Prize Awardees
Author: Wu Tianhao, Cell & Molecular Biology
Title: Disruption of signaling transmission caused by SK channels dysfunction in the auditory synapse of fragile X mice
Author: Tianyi Xiao, Cell & Molecular Biology
Title: Changes in properties of central auditory synapses following conductive hearing loss
Author: Rahul Kumar, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Title: Computational studies of the order-disorder transition in block-random copolymers
Author: Yinga Wu, CMB
Title: Origins of myofibroblasts and functional analysis of miR-24 in subretinal fibrosis
Graduate Student 3rd Prize Awardees
Author: Jill Syrotchen, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Title: Local adaptation in leaf shape plasticity along an elevational cline in Mimulus laciniatus
Author: Garrett Bartoletti, Cell & Molecular Biology
Title: Identifying a novel mechanism of lambdoid synostosis caused by dysregulated PDGFRA activity
Author: Atahar Rabby, Chemistry
Title: Convenient low-temperature solution phase synthesis of chevrel phase cluster complex
Author: Oluwole Ajumobi, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Title: Conceptual design of nano-straws in spherical porous particles for improved adsorption capacity for carbon capture
Undergraduate Student 1st Prize Awardees
Author: Isabella Brockway, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineer
Title: Creating optimal liposomes for the delivery of anionic particles
Author: Courtney Hospes, Neuroscience
Title: Effects of normal aging on proteins of the cortical inhibitory synaptosome
Author: William Bai, Cell & Molecular Biology
Title: Evaluating biomarker candidates of vaccine efficacy for the mucosal adjuvant dmLT
Author: Gabby Levine, Psychology
Title: Two roots to grow child social interaction: Child emotion recognition skills and maternal social support
Undergraduate Student 2nd Prize Awardees
Author: Sydney Rein, LSU Health Sciences Center, Cell biology & Anatomy
Title: Effects of adolescent alcohol exposure and adult stress on BNST cellular activation
Author: Anna Wood, Psychology
Title: Biased attention orienting to the self-face during an attention capture task
Author: Mary Lorino, Neuroscience
Title: Using a behavioral paradigm to assess the role of Zmiz1 in autism spectrum disorder
Author: Rachel Lane, Psychology
Title: The impact of conversations in social networks on willingness to engage in intergroup interactions
Undergraduate Student 3rd Prize Awardees
Author: Kaitlin Fahlgren, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Title: Prevalence and distribution of Arsenophonus and other dominant endosymbionts within the American Dog Tick, Demacentor variabili
Author: Anna Nussbaum, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Title: Analysis of post-reaction product from catalytic degradation of low-density polyethylene
Author: Blaine Martin, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Title: Effect of rooting substrate and spatial distance on liana endophyte communities
New Orleans Community Impact Awardees
Author: Qiang Sun, River-Coastal Science & Engineering
Title: Contributions of sea level components to high tide flooding along the continental U.S. coastlines
Author: Swathi Katakam, Biomedical Engineering
Title: Improved photoacoustic signal stability in melanin phantom using NIR-II wavelengths
2023 Program of Events
9:00am–11:00am: Poster Session A
Jung Hotel, Grand Hall, 2nd Floor
11:00am–12:00pm: Exploring Two Cases in Community-Engaged Graduate Student Scholarship - Panel Discussion
In Person: Jung Hotel, Tulane Room, 2nd Floor
- Ryan McBride, PhD, Director, Mellon Graduate Program in Community-Engaged Scholarship, Tulane University Center for Public Service
- Miriam Taylor and Jarrod Wall, PhD students, Tulane University City, Culture & University Center for Public Service
- Thad Tatum, Lead Facilitator, Formerly Incarcerated Peer Support Group
- Ernest Johnson, Director, Ubuntu Village
- Tulane Center for Public Service
12:00pm–1:00pm: Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health (BIRCWH) ;Lecture
Estrogens, Memory, and the Aging Brain
1st Floor, Tidewater Bldg., 1440 Canal St., Diboll Auditorium
- Jill Daniel, PhD, Gary P. Dohanich Professor in Brain Science, Dept of Psychology, School of Science & Engineering, and Founding Director, Tulane Brain Institute
1:30pm–4:30pm: Tulane Law School
Uptown In Person: Tulane Law School, Weinmann Hall, Multi Purpose Room
Downtown Zoom Viewing Room: Jung Hotel, Claiborne Room, 2nd Floor
- 1:30pm - Robert Force, Niels F. Johnsen Chair of Maritime Law – Arbitration of Seamen’s claims
- 2:00pm - Laila Hlass, Clinical Professor of Law & Co-Director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic – The Double Exclusion of Immigrant Youth
- 2:30pm - Sally Richardson, A.D. Freeman Professor of Civil Law – Creating Default Management Rules for Tenants in Common: A New Uniform Law Commission Project
- 3:00pm - Maybell Romero, Felder-Fayard Associate Professor of Law – Shame and the Law of Sexual Assault
- 3:30pm - Mary Yanik, Clinical Associate Professor of Law – Protections from Deportation for Immigrant Workers in Labor Disputes
- 4:00pm - Brian Frye, Visiting Professor of Law – How to Do Things With NFTs. The art market has always been a securities market, we just couldn’t see it. But NFTs have shown us the way. The future of culture is the securitization of clout and NFTs will make it possible.
2:00pm–4:00pm: Poster Session B
Jung Hotel, Grand Hall, 2nd Floor
4:00pm–5:00pm: Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences
Jung Hotel, Tulane Room, 2nd Floor
- Gregory Seymour, Customer Consultant, ELSEVIER
As the largest, curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, SCOPUS gives you the insights and tools to deliver best-in-class research experiences and fuel your institutions' research strategy and performance.
9:00am–11:00am: Poster Session C
Jung Hotel, Grand Hall, 2nd Floor
9:30am–11:30am: Tulane Law School
Uptown In Person: Tulane Law School, Weinmann Hall, Multi Purpose Room
Downtown Zoom Viewing Room: Jung Hotel, Claiborne Room, 2nd Floor
- 9:30am - Saru Matambanadzo, Moise S. Steeg Jr. Associate Professor of Law – Racial Capitalism, Gender, and Disability
- 10:00am - Stacy Seicshnaydre, William K. Christovich Professor of Law and Robert A. Ainsworth Professor in the Courts and the Federal System, Camille Ciolino, Tulane Law student, & Grace Landry, Tulane Law student – Fair Housing Law and Criminal Records Barriers
- 10:30am - Kesana Durand, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Becki Kondkar, Clinical Professor of Law, Carlotta Lepingwell, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law, Stanislav Moroz, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law – Tulane Law School's Women's Prison Project and the movement to decarcerate criminalized survivors of intimate partner violence in Louisiana
- 11:00am - Martin Davies, Admiralty Law Institute Professor of Maritime Law – Shipping Industry Carbon Emission Regulations
11:00am–12:00pm: Reception for Distinguished Lecture Diboll Gallery
12:00pm–1:00pm: Vice President for Research Distinguished Lecture - Emerging Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: NOLA's Opportunity, A Perspective
1st Floor, Tidewater Bldg., 1440 Canal St., Diboll Auditorium
- Kimberly Gramm, MBA, PhDc, David and Marion Mussafer Chief Innovation and Entrepreneurship Officer, Tulane University Innovation Institute
1:00pm–2:00pm: Reception for Distinguished Lecture Diboll Gallery
1:00pm–2:00pm: Broader Impacts 101: An introduction to the requirements and goals of the NSF Broader Impacts criterionlecture
Downtown In Person: Jung Hotel, Tulane Room, 2nd Floor
- Carter A. Lea, PhD, Research Proposal Development Officer, Office of Research Proposal Development
1:30pm–4:00pm: Tulane Law School
Uptown In Person: Tulane Law School, Weinmann Hall, Multi Purpose Room
Downtown Zoom Viewing Room: Jung Hotel, Claiborne Room, 2nd Floor
- 1:30pm - Lucia Blacksher Ranier, Professor of the Practice & Samuel Brandao, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law – When Schools Call the Police on Kids with Disabilities. A review of Ashley Hutchinson-Harper et al. v. Jefferson Parish School Board et al, pending in the Eastern District of Louisiana
- 2:00pm - David Katner, Professor of Clinical Law and Felix J. Dreyfous Teaching Fellow in Juvenile Law – Juvenile Competency Complications: ;Protocol, Unmet Needs, Developmental Immaturity, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and Co-Morbidity
- 2:30pm - Elizabeth Townsend Gard, John E. Koerner Endowed Professor of Law – The State of Play in Copyright's Fair Use Doctrine
- 3:00pm - Lauren Godshall, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law & Devin Lowell, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law – Environmental Justice Strategies in Louisiana. Lawyers from the Tulane Environmental Law Clinic will highlight some recent methods used in the clinic's representation of environmental justice communities throughout Louisiana.
2:00pm–4:00pm: Poster Session D
Jung Hotel, Grand Hall, 2nd Floor
3:30pm–5:00pm: A.B. Freeman School of Business - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Uptown In Person: Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex, Bright Lecture Theater - Room 470
Downtown Zoom Viewing Room: Jung Hotel, Tulane Room, 2nd Floor
- Claire Senot, PhD, Associate Professor, Management Science - Innovation in Health Care Delivery
- Oleg Gredil, PhD, Associate Professor, Finance - What Does Financing of Entrepreneurship Entail for Capital Providers?
4:00pm–5:00pm: Louisiana’s Higher Education Foreign Security Act of 2022- Lecture
In Person: 1440 Canal St., Tidewater Bldg, Suite 949
- Christopher Dressler, MS, Export Control Compliance Officer, Office of Research Compliance