HRPO Meeting Request Form Name: Email Address: Dates for Meeting: Please enter three different dates/times that you are available to meet. We will try our best to accommodate your schedule. Department: Role: - Select -FacultyStaffGraduate StudentUndergraduate StudentOther (please describe below) Other: Type of Training: - Select -Individual Training SessionGroup Training Session Training Location: - Select -Remote (via zoom)In Person (describe location below) Location Description: Topics: Select at least one topic you are interested in learning about. Hold down CTRL to select multiple options. Discuss a Specific Research Project (if applicable, enter the study number below)General Submission Info (basic IRB regulations and overview of the IRBManager submission process)Overview of IRB Policies and Procedures (review processes for exempt, expedited and full committee reviewContinuing Review and/or Amendment SubmissionsOther (please describe below) Other Topic: Learning Goal: Study Number (if applicable): Additional Information: Providing additional information and/or specific questions will help the HRPO provide you with the most appropriate guidance. Would you like to Join our Listserv? - Select -YesNo CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.